Unity in diversity

Unity in diversity is a thing which we Indians are proud of. While unity is laudable, diversity has to be catered to while introducing interventions for improvement and economic development.

Look around the world.There are very few countries which are bigger than our states. These countries are China, USA, Indonesia and Russia. Many countries in Africa and Europe are like states in our country. As for developed nations, but for USA, all others have a population of 100 million or less.

It is evident that economic development intervention has to be different for different geographic clusters like North, Hill states, North East, East, Central etc.

Rise in popularity of regional parties have to do with diversity of development requirement ( to put it another way, skewed development achieved so far ) besides lingustic / regional likings.

What is required is political will and sagacity. How does one achieve this when number game is important in formation of government. May be the cacophony in political sphere would turn out into a symphony over a period of time when coaliation politics reaches a level of maturity. That would bolster our unity in diversity.


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