Kids' schooling and poet in me

The schooling these days makes parents to do things which they have never done before. I have not written any slogans or any poem on any topic during my school days. Now there are so may focus days like "Mother's day","Earth day" etc where students are asked to prepare slogans and poems. The slogans and poem I managed to compose this Sunday afternoon for "Earth day" celebrations of my younger kid are appended. Last week I worked on inventions, inventors and their brief profile. Though it is tough, it is never too late to learn things. Slogan writing and composing poems calls for some effort.


Our parents are unique to each one of us
but Earth is the Mother of entire humanity


Plastics Plastics go away
Never come back any other day
Mother Earth wants to be green and happy
Plastics Platics go away




If it does not rain on time,
we blame you

If it rains more
we blame you.

If it is very hot ,
we blame you.

If it is too cold,
we blame you.

Burdened with smoke,
Burdened with untreated sewage
With pesticides polluting water
Plastics chocking up drains

Cutting trees, polluting water,belching smoke
we make your children- trees, fish, animals- suffer

Pardon us Mother we have realised our mistakes
We pledge that we will work hard to make you healthy

Like all loving children, we will take good care of you
We know you are suffering and we will make you smile

We tell our parents that we will behave well and study well
We promise you that we will behave and conduct ourselves well

We want you to be green and happy so that
you can be the Mother to our future generations


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