Builders of the nation and Right To Education
The labour force involved in construction sites are a peripatetic lot. Whenever the ground is dug for large construction, rows of huts come up near the site for accommodating the labour. Some of them are families where the children play around the vicinity of the project whiling away time. The project could take a couple of years or two. Once the construction is over, they move with their meagre belongings to the next site wherever it is. The families spent years together moving around like gypsies as long they have the physical capacity to undertake such work. Any illness in the family could be a big set back.
Jaipur Municipal Corporation is relaying the roads in some areas. I stay in Civil Lines where Raj Bhawan, CM's official residence and those of ministers are located. The labour force involved in the work spread their mattresses and spend the nights on the road. The work must be tiring as they do not stir when large number of morning walkers pass them chattering. Cars and autorickshaws which pass by do not seem to disturb them.
A couple of them get up early and cook for the day. The stove is an improvised one- red bricks to support the vessel and firewood to provide the heat. The chappathi they make appear golden in colour and look tempting. The workers take turns to cook. Most of the labour force seem to be in their teens. The only facility they have is the tractor with water tank which they can use liberally.
The crew of the road rollers and the mobile contraptions which spread a uniform layer of asphalt and stone chips on the road also spend their night on the road. But there is a class divide there. These guys sleep separately and cook their food on a kerosene stove. The class division starts even among such levels.
The labour have a couple of weather beaten suitcases carrying all their belongings. The "technical" guys have their bags in their vehicles.
It is a tough life out there working during the day under relentless sun and sleeping out in the open with what little breeze that blows in the night.
The Parliament has passed the bill for "Right to Education". How will it benefit the families of such workers who are always on the move building our nation ?
Jaipur Municipal Corporation is relaying the roads in some areas. I stay in Civil Lines where Raj Bhawan, CM's official residence and those of ministers are located. The labour force involved in the work spread their mattresses and spend the nights on the road. The work must be tiring as they do not stir when large number of morning walkers pass them chattering. Cars and autorickshaws which pass by do not seem to disturb them.
A couple of them get up early and cook for the day. The stove is an improvised one- red bricks to support the vessel and firewood to provide the heat. The chappathi they make appear golden in colour and look tempting. The workers take turns to cook. Most of the labour force seem to be in their teens. The only facility they have is the tractor with water tank which they can use liberally.
The crew of the road rollers and the mobile contraptions which spread a uniform layer of asphalt and stone chips on the road also spend their night on the road. But there is a class divide there. These guys sleep separately and cook their food on a kerosene stove. The class division starts even among such levels.
The labour have a couple of weather beaten suitcases carrying all their belongings. The "technical" guys have their bags in their vehicles.
It is a tough life out there working during the day under relentless sun and sleeping out in the open with what little breeze that blows in the night.
The Parliament has passed the bill for "Right to Education". How will it benefit the families of such workers who are always on the move building our nation ?
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