Insatiable hunger for technology

I have not found much use for technology- I use my mobile phone only for calls, setting alarm and texting messages. No music , no downloads from website. My kids feel that I am a stone age man.

As for internet, once again it is mails and a bit of news watch on sports and current events. I do some searches whenever kids have some project work or the other. I am a member on Facebook but as days go by, I am not amused by Facebook. It seems to be more a show place for those feelin glost rather than a general communication tool. Facebook is me, me and me all the way in the form of photos and news items members read. It seems to be substituting face to face interaction. Having roots in USA, one can understand the driving force behind Facebook- loneliness and strict social norms of privacy making people look for some outlet or other for expressing themselves.

There are newer and newer models of mobile in the market everyday with mind boggling ( and superfluous ) features. What such features have achieved is exercise for the top half of our fingers. While travelling on long distance buses and trains, one keeps hearing some passengers talking without break on mobile phones. From what one can overhear on such occasions, most of the conversations are mundane with urgent content. I have noticed that it is difficult to the draw the attention of a person with a mobile with earphones plugged in. More often than not such a person is listening to music as can be seen from the limited gyration trying to be in synchronisation with the music.

Twitter as a tool seem to be as useful as Facebook. Even my kids would not be interested in knowing whether I am sleeping or walking at this moment. I wonder why other should know such details.

iPod is an interesting product. Some models can store as much as three thousand songs. How does one listen to so many songs before the ipod runs out of economic life ?

Now iPad is making its entry. There is a huge rush for the product in USA with people queueing up to be the first ones to lay their hands on the product. We have desk tops, we have lap tops and we have Blackberrys. I wonder what ipad would achieve other than placing in market a product which is in between in size.

All these gadgets pouring out information only makes us edgy, nervous and frustrated.

I like my morning newspaper and not the one line ticker tape news. I do not feel it is a crime not to know what is happening all over the world minute by minute.


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