Obesity amongst youth

Obesity among youngsters is of concern in urban India. Kids do not go out and play the way they used to do a generation ago. It is indoor activities including computer games and video consoles for time pass these days. Added to it, junk food and aerated beverages also contribute their might to obesity.

An American non profit organisation "Mission: Readiness" which has several retired generals and admirals as members has brought out a report in this aspect. The finding of the report is called " Too fat to fight ". They have reported that a major reason for medical rejection by army at selection stage is that candidates are too fat and there is a dramatic increase in obesity in the 17 to 24 year old age group in USA. Though the recruitment targets are being met by the army now, there is a fear that the increasing trend in obesity amongst youngsters would reduce the army intake in times to come thereby resulting in a national security threat. As things stand 25 % of the youth are "too fat to fight". It is reported that Michelle Obama has launched a campaign "Let's move ! " to tackle and bring under the problem of child obesity in a generation.

This is totally opposite of what happened in 1946. American army officials had expressed concern then about the malnourished and poor health youth who were turning up for army recruitment. The government took corrective action by introducing national school lunch programme as a matter of national security. This sounds too Socialist in the prevailing political dispensation !

Fortunately in our country obesity among younsters remain an urban issue. The issue in rural is opposite- malnutrition. Midday meal schemes in various states have helped to keep some children in school but the economic conditions are forcing the poor parents to send kids to work.

It is very difficult to cajole kids these days to go out and play in open spaces. The fear of unknown people and crime also plays a part in parents being portective of their children preventing them from venturing too far from vicinity. Rising urban income also means consumption of junk food.

May be parents have to take turns to look after groups of children when they are at play in parks and grounds. Obesity in youth is the next big medical threat across developed countries and the well earning people of developing economies.


  1. I believe the best way to stay away from Junk Food is to have a Good wife @ home who can prepare all these Junk Foods as Home Made Foods itself.....


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