Simple satisfaction

What activities and achievements give a person satisfaction? Is it winning a lottery? Is it being presented with a jewellery set? Is it success in examination? The list is long but to define satisfaction is a tough task.

I was at a premier government hospital last Saturday with a member of my family for a follow up medical advice. I had to park the car at parking lot which was far away from the main premises of the hospital. As I was entering the medical block, I noticed a heavy person with a walking stick struggling to stand and his attendant who turned out to be his son struggling to keep the old man erect and standing. The old man appeared very sick. He needed a wheel chair and being a government hospital, such a contraption was not in sight.

The attendant pointed out at a metal stretcher trolley on the other side of the road and requested me to bring it over. I obliged readily. The trolley stretcher was too high for the old man to mount. Then it struck me that the stretcher could be dismantled from the trolley. I removed the stretcher, placed it on the floor and requested the old man to lie down on it. After he did that, his son and I lifted the stretcher and mounted it on the trolley. I was very satisfied with what I did to ameliorate the suffering of the old man.

I met the old man and the son in the corridor of the consulting chambers. Both were very happy with the prompt assistance.

I was invited to an event of a local management institute last month to felicitate their alumni without being told what was expected of me. It was a big affair and I was called on stage to present an award to one of the alumni. After the event was over, I was requested to interact with the students. I kept asking them about current events and most of them were clueless. I encouraged them to keep their eyes and ears open and be thorough with current events across the country and the world.

Couple of weeks back, I expressed my desire to visit this management institute to my contact there. We fixed a mutually convenient date and time. A few days before the appointed date, I got a mail stating that the students and faculty of the institute were eagerly looking forward to a lecture by me. I was taken aback. All that I wanted to do was to stroll through the institute and have a look at their library. I was petrified as I have never addressed a gathering of students. My contact said that I had to just say something interesting and that was all to it. Nevertheless I went prepared. I asked my young colleagues here what they would have expected to hear from a professional when they were management students. The interactive cum lecture session went off well and I kept the students engaged for more than an hour and half though I was slated to engage them for an hour only. I did make sure that I was engaging their attention by checking with them once in way during my discourse and interaction. I dwelt on current affairs, our organization and the difficulties encountered in project implementation, how to face an interview and what to look for and how to adjust to working life as new entrants into professional organizations. This interaction also gave me tremendous satisfaction. Students had not expected the level of preparation I made for the session.

Both the episodes outlined above mightnot be big events but the simple satisfaction I derived can not be described in words.


  1. Im glad your session went off well.I recall one of my guest lecturers had presented on a topic ' 10 commandments of corporate life'..It was exemplary. Usually students enjoy sessions that are unique with a flavor of practicality.


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