Year 2009

I wish to review year 2009 from my perspective.

The year began with a shocker- Ramalinga Raju stunned the corporate world and IT world in particular. About 60000 employees of his organizations trembled in their shoes for a few months not knowing what the future held. He has spent nearly a year in the jail but the public are no wiser on what he did and where the money has gone.

Obama won Nobel Prize for elocution on world peace. He continues to follow in the footsteps of George Bush dispatching additional troops to Af-Pak region.

Prices of essential commodities rose relentlessly causing hardship to poor people all over the country. Even vegetable prices have soared and there is no sign of prices coming down despite winter crop.

Most people in Corporate world had a tough time coming to grips with turbulent economic slow down.

Somewhere along the line, pigs got into the act. We have been persuaded to tremble before a new scourge – swine flu. Media went to town spreading scare amongst the public about swine flu. There is thermal screening at airports to track suspected swine flu carriers from abroad.

How abhorrent the bureaucracy can be was brought out by the Ruchika molestation case. The smile on the face of SPS Rathore coming out of the court which pronounced six months prison sentence made one feel as though he had just enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. This episode which took place two decades ago and the travesty of justice which ensued left a sick and helpless feeling as we march into New Year 2010.

Ambani brothers have taken their corporate battle to the court. What they are fighting about is natural gas which is the property of the public and the nation. Why government kept quiet so long on an issue of national importance is a mystery. Of course, knowing the way corporate chieftains function, this is not a mystery. The bureaucracy troubles only those who are inconvenient.

We saw shameless capitulation of government and a national party to financial muscle power in Karnataka. This shows that there is a lot more to democracy than just conducting elections and we have a long way to go.

We witnessed ineffective and callous administration leading to surge of naxalism, of all places, in West Bengal, the citadel of Left. There is no civil administration worth its name in Lalgarh and its surroundings in West Bengal.

India seems to have weathered the downturn in economy better than the developed world.

We have a good scheme for the landless in the country- National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. Corruption has promptly stepped in there too.

The sheen started to fade in the much touted Delhi Metro’s "track" record with accidents at project sites.

As creatures living on hope, let us hope the New Year brings us better tiding.


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