
Rajasthan Police has an interesting mission statement

Aam jan me viswaas ( trust of the common man )
Aparaadhiyom me darr ( fear in culprits )

The way police is functioning now shows that they are half way to achieving the mission statement. The current status is

Aam jan me darr ( fear in common man )
Aparaadhiyom me viswaas ! ( trust of culprits )

We had called on a senior police officer on work related matter this week. On his table was a plaque which stated

Samasyaam ka aakri padaav ( The buck stops here ).

We wish this is true!

Delhi Police vehicles have the slogan “With you for you always “ painted on them but their performance so far shows that this slogan is like the marquee of the vehicles the police is using – standard accessory !

Jokes apart , police officials and police force in general are an overworked lot. They work on endless shifts and do not get leave of absence permission easily. They have to be on duty in full force during festivals and elections when the entire public including other government servants are enjoying holidays. If the policemen happen to in government colonies where they have other government employees are also staying, the families of policemen find the difference in working hours stark and striking.

The unending working hours is a major reason for lack of physical fitness of police force. Most of them face family discords as they are unable to perform even simple chores like accompanying their wards to school once in a way.

One sincerely hopes that mandarins in administration take some steps to improve working condition of the police force.


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