Chinese medicine, rhinos and tigers

Acupuncture, the medical therapy from China, has gained popularity around the world for its simplicity and efficacy in providing relief for some recurrent maladies like joint pains and muscular pains. The therapy concentrates on motor and nervous system for amelioration.

There several dental doctors in Kolkata and Chennai of Chinese origin who have a good reputation for their professional skills. I am not too sure whether all these doctors trace their roots to China as we have a tendency to associate people with mongoloid features to China while mongoloid features span across Philippines, Koreas, Japan, Thailand and some other South East nations as well.

The animal which we would readily associate with China the way we associate kangaroo and koala bears with Australia and kiwi with New Zealand is panda. This cute looking animal is the mascot of World Wildlife Fund and was presented to Jawaharlal Nehru when he visited China in his capacity of Prime Minister of India. I am told Chinese have an affection towards tortoise as a harbinger of fortune and good luck. I am also told that tortoise statues adorn the pathways and prominent facades of ancient monuments in China.

India and China are the most populous countries in the world. Fertility of masses in an issue in some Western nations which are facing decline in population and all encouragements including financial grants are being provided for couples to bear more children. India and China are battling surging population numbers and infertility is not an issue for them.

But a major reason for poaching of tigers and rhinos in India is the Chinese belief in aphrodisiacs. Chinese feel that rhino horns ( in powdered form ) and certain body parts od tiger are aphrodisiacs and they command high monetary value in their society. The need for aphrodisiac in a country like China is difficult to fathom.

I have another question to ask. How did Chinese who do not have rhinos and not too tigers in their country zero in on their body parts as good aphrodisiacs ? Was it some ancient Chinese traveller who carried this myth back to China decades ago ?

Unfortunately this totally unfounded belief on curative effects of animal parts is driving tigers and rhinos to extinction in our country. We should demand World Health Organisation and Chinese adinistartion to conduct awareness campaigns in China to burst this myth and save our tigers and rhinos. A tall demand indeed but there is no harm in expressing it !


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