Trends in newspaper content

There has been several changes I have been noticing in newspaper content in India over the last three decades.

The most striking has been the increasing space given to show business in the main body of newspapers besides the suppliments devoted to cine world. Controversies, film awards, love affairs of cine artistes, their travel plans film festivals taking place all over the world makes it to the newspapers. Academy awards have space of prominence what with "Slumdog millionaire" pushing Academy award ceremony to the front page headlines. Even contents of blogs of film stars have become newsworthy. Hollywood matters have also been gaining prominence in newspapers.

Business occupies much more space these days. Of course , businessmen and industrialists have also become newsmakers in daily newspapers.

Another recent trend is a number of ranking list coming out in newspapers like most beautiful women, the best dressed men , the best dressed couple, richest people in the world and so on. In my parlance this would qualifiy as trivia. At times I wonder what are we going to achieve by such ranking list ? Our daliy chores do not leave us time for any out of the way activities. It is a wonder how people find time to devour such ranking lists.


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