Kids and frank thoughts

The kind of questions kids come up with are amusing. Lack of prior knowledge and absence of self doubt amongst children helps.

I am recounting couple of questions my younger daughter Sandhya came up with couple of years ago.

She was watching a programme on National Geographic describing the social behaviour of gorillas. The narrator said that a gorilla kid is in the care of mother till it is three years old and then moves away on its own. Sandhya had a serious question:" Dad, Who will tell the gorilla kid that it's third birthday ? "

Another gem- we were travelling in Rajastan and we visited a temple. My better half prayed. Sandhya wanted to know what her mother asked for and in which language she prayed. My wife told her that her prayer was in Tamil. Sandhya was at a loss not able to understand how a deity in Rajastan would undertstand a prayer in Tamil ! I intervened and told her that my wife's prayer would have landed at a BPO at Bangalore who would translate her prayer and convey the same to the diety !

There are several such gems from my children.


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