
Spelling has been my bugbear on emails. I cursorily glance over what I have typed. Psychologically we tend to see what we meant overlooking glaring spelling mistakes.

That brings me to the recent report on commonly misspelt words in English in UK. This study was done based on a survey of 5000 people from different walks of life.

The most misspelt word is ' definitely '. Most people were confused whether an i or a followed f. The second place went to 'sacrilegious' which left people confused about whether it was an e or i in the middle. The next place went to "indict" which was misspelt as "indite".

The descending order upto tenth place are 'manoeuvre', 'broccoli', 'phlegm', 'prejudice','concensus' and 'unnecessary'. Words like 'supersede' , 'connoisseur' and 'particularly' figured high in the list.

I have a habit of misspelling habit as habbit ! This makes me a rabbit in spelling skill.

I feel 'diarrhoea' will also figure high on the list of misspelt words.


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