Kids at school

We have high expecations and dreams on academic front even when we send our kids to play school.

Some of the most interesting movements of our life have been the first few days of our kids at play school. The elder one Shobha was very reluctant to go to play school when she was around two and half years old. As a dad , I felt bad that kids have to be sent to school at a tender unlike my childhood days when I entered the school on completing five years of age.

My wife and mom accompanied Shobha to play school on the first day. She kept looking back at them often as they hung around the campus. The teacher suggested that they should leave the campus and as they were leaving, Shobha started crying loudly.

When my wife went to fetch her in the afternoon, she could not find Shobha at a glance .Finally she spotted her in a boy's dress playing on a see-saw. Teacher said Shobha was howling for along while and vomited and the spare dress sent along was used. She vommited once more and she had to use the spare dress of a rock steady boy of the group !

It took only a couple of days for Shobha to get used to school. Within couple of weeks of joining the play school, my wife had a tough time persuading her to go home as she liked to hang around and play on the swings and other contraptions. Even her teacher had to persuade Shobha hard to leave the school after the classes.

Sandhya, the second one, was eager to go to play school. She had heard stories from Shobha of how interesting school was and was raring to go. She was all smiles when we left her at the play school. Within a week, her mood changed. She did not want to go to school. She used to cling on to me and would not get down and enter the school. She had to be snatched away and she used to cry loudly calling out for us. It was very painful.

Teacher said Sandhya was very enthusiastic in the class for a day or two. But all her classmates used to cry through out the class and not finding anybody to play with, melancholy got the better of her. Crying like yawning and smiling is infectious and Sandhya became gloomy. It took a month for the other kids to get used to the play school and Sandhya also started liking school as her classmates mood brightened.

Shobha is in high school now and bunks classes once in a way and stays home. Sandhya is competitive and proudly bunks classes with lesser frequency. She wants to be like her sister though she is still in junior school. Our best persuasive efforts failed us to convince Sandhya that Shobha was very regular to school in junior classes.

Bringing up kids is a crazy affair.

P S:

A joke on the first day at play school would be appropriate for this occassion.

A mother sends her reluctant kid to play school for the first time after lot of cajoiling and persuasion.Mom meets the kid at the gate after the school and asks," What did they teach you today ?"

The kid replies," Not much ma. I will have to go back again tomorrow ! ".


  1. Your post sinks me back to my memories of first day at school.My parents, expected me to cry and wail but all I did was stare at the children in awe!They say I was devoid of expressions as I entered the class.

    I needed only a weeks time before my diary was flooded with comments like "Talkative child", "Talking interferes with work" etc etc. The final nail on the coffin was when my dad was ushered to school as i had clawed a boy of my class.

    I met this boy years later at an engineering college cultural fest in NIT, Calicut. He proudly showed off the mark on his left cheek to my friends as well.It was only a prank and I barely remembered doing it. But what remained was a permanent mark on that kid's face!!!


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