History of Second World War

History varies depending upon the narrator's perspective.

A number of articles had been written about D Day celebrations - the Normandy landing anniversary affair which has been reduced to a Franco American event with the British occupying the side lines like a kneeling ball boy in the tennis court with Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer slugging it out.

Russia, a major player in the Second World War has been totally side lined by the Western World. United Nations itself has estimated that Russia lost 13.6 million soldiers - sixteen times higher than the combined losses of the US, UK and France put together.

Churchill had gone record in his memoirs stating that a major reason for France -UK - USA combined landing in Normandy was to halt the Russian Army as much to the East as possible. Russia would have got the better of Germany without help of US- UK combine.

There has been attempts in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania recently to portray Russia as the aggressor and occupier instead of Nazi Germany.

History has been always narrated from the perspective of the vanquisher and not the vanquished. Now a new dimension is being added. History is being narrated from the perspective of the rich and powerful among the vanquishers.

Incidentally women exceed men by 20 million in Russia and this difference can be entirely attributed to the casualties suffered in the Second World War.


  1. > Incidentally women exceed men by 20 million in Russia and this difference can be entirely attributed to the casualties suffered in the Second World War.

    I'm not sure if the current-day gender gap "can be entirely attributed" to an event that happened 60 years ago. In two generations, things do get evened out. Does this mean so many more girls were born since 1945 than boys? I can't believe it. There must be other reasons for the gap, if there is one.



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