Kids at school
We have high expecations and dreams on academic front even when we send our kids to play school. Some of the most interesting movements of our life have been the first few days of our kids at play school. The elder one Shobha was very reluctant to go to play school when she was around two and half years old. As a dad , I felt bad that kids have to be sent to school at a tender unlike my childhood days when I entered the school on completing five years of age. My wife and mom accompanied Shobha to play school on the first day. She kept looking back at them often as they hung around the campus. The teacher suggested that they should leave the campus and as they were leaving, Shobha started crying loudly. When my wife went to fetch her in the afternoon, she could not find Shobha at a glance .Finally she spotted her in a boy's dress playing on a see-saw. Teacher said Shobha was howling for along while and vomited and the spare dress sent along was used. She vommited once more and she h...