Ironies of life

I have been looking out for opportunities on job front. The present assignment has been like a heavy weight boxing championship series and the current bout is fizzling out this month. I have an option to take part in the next bout as head of another state. I am getting tired of this boxing bout and would seek to engage myself in some other sport.

In this pursuit , I have been widening my contact base. One such attempt was joining Linkedin group of IIMA Alumni few days ago. My request for membership was accepted and the first news digest I received from this group was that HP was firing 3000 people ! I shook my head in disbelief. Though HP has nothing to do with my profession, it was an ironic message considering the main motivation for joining this group.

Rajasthan has been reeling under severe heat wave conditions last month. Several black bucks had died due to water scarcity in Jaisalmer and Jodhpur districts. There has been water scarcity all over Rajasthan this summer as last rainy season saw scanty rainfalls. Cyclone "Phet" blew over Gujarat couple fo days ago, This caused sudden rains in Jaisalmer, Barmer and Jodhpur districts casuing flash floods submerging railway tracks and roads. Newspaper reports showed photos of farm tractors lying fully submerged in water in Jaisalmer district ! Today it has been reported that 33 deer died in floods in Churu district.

We make a lot of noise about Earth day and sustainable leaving but precious little has been done in conserving and preventing water run off from rains and collecting it. Our green efforts are confined to large newspaper advertisements showing Chief Ministers and party leaders grinning God knows for what.The money spent on such puerile publicity stunts could be better put to use for rural folks.

CP Joshi and Mukul Washnik, both Central Ministers, have made public statements together that both would work for upliftment of society. May be they forgot that this is the main task of Ministers !

Not to forget, law has taken its own course and we have a verdict on Bhopal gas tragedy case 26 years after the incident. When it comes to large MNCs , government has been slow to act. I presume there must have been hard lobbying by the company as well as US government in this case.

The blow out of deep sea well of BP ( formerly British Petroleum ) off coast of Lousiana state in USA is an acid test for President Obama. It will also be a test for the lobbying power of corporate biggies. The way this incident has been handled so far by Obama has been disappointing. After all money speaks and others listen with interest !


  1. Hi subbu, I presume that you are looking for a position preferably in Delhi. If so, let me know, I shall put you on to someone who could find a placement for you varadu


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