Golden Jubilee

19th June. It is my birthday today and it is Golden Jubilee birthday too. I am passing through one of the worst phases in my career. It has been tough and unnerving days in the office for a couple of months now. The wee hours when the golden jubilee day dawned saw me going sleepless and attending to an explosive situation involving our staff at a leading government hospital with a large police force surrounding them. Eminently avoidable start for a birthday. Naturally I could not sleep after getting home around 2 am.

Golden jubilee is a landmark when some people look back upon the milestones passedd on the way. Not much luck on this score for me. Looking back, I can not see anything but a vast expanse of nothingness with a tinge of colour on shapeless objects here and there. I can see some colours and object with shapes before after the halfway mark towards the starting line.

What could those objects be ? I raked my brain. Yes, I can remember them now. The good academic achievement which ensured that I got into engineering college without any difficulty. The first job which I held for three years was no great shakes but helped me in getting in touch with some people who motivated me to go for higher studies. Their encouragement coupled with diligent effort ensured that I got into all the three top mnagement institutes in the country in one go in the first attmept. At the silver jubilee mark, I was on my way to the best management institute in the country. I stepped out of the institute in a daze when I was 27.

The rest of the journey has been a meaningless and directionless whir as far as career and wealth creation are concerned. I have been going round like a man blindfolded ( I continue on the same path even now )and have been going around in circles. Whatever little progress has been made in emoluments and rank has happened mostly on job hopes.

Looking back, I showed no desire for anything material for a long time in life well into a decade after my marriage which was when I was 31 years old. Added to this, I am a non conformist and all these made me reach ( or not reach ) the appropriate levels.

Somewhere along the line, I have managed to be a bit ambitious and learned to be a conformist thanks to the fine family we have reared. Fine family is the only thing I have accummulated as wealth in these fifty years which has passed by. Our daughters have brought us joy and we all have turned out to be doughty fighters. Health among family members have been of concern in the last half decade but we have weathered all difficulties bravely.

Somewhere along the line I have become a communicator and a resonably good people handler. Fortunately my health has held.I have loads and loads of energy and am more energetic than most youngsters.

Looking ahead, I need a job to make a living.I have reached an age where it would be foolish for me to assume that there will be a career ahead of me. The job is to provide sustenance and for education of our daughters. I would need to remain healthy to look after the family and run around. I am not asking for anything beyond a job and good health. I am confident that Providence will not fail me on both these counts.


  1. Amen. Thank God! But I am working two jobs at this point in my career.


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