It sounds humourous

I have an easy way of talking even with total strangers. There have been several occassions when the participants in such ocnversation were women. This has happened in several fora like wedding reception, birthday parties and social get togethers. On some occassions, my better half felt insecure and even asked me whether I would leave for somebody else. My response to this query reassured and comforted her. I told her that I was not foolish to commit a grave mistake twice in my life knowingly.Of course, this is my Golden jubilee year and the progressively her insecurity has diminished what with bulging waste line and rapidly receding hairline further reducing my attractiveness.

I read somewhere that Al Gore and "Tipper" Gore are parting ways after 40 years of marital bliss. It sounds so foolish and idiotic to go for a divorce when the couple are in 60s age group. As years roll by, I notice that the greatest enemy is loneliness and boredom. This increases as one heads past fifties into sixties. Moreover the physical abilities diminish and it gets difficult to go places as we progress in age.Life partner is definitely the best person to traverse this tricky and difficult phase of life into dusk and sunset. I shudder to think of being ocnfined to a corner and being helped around on daily chores by total strangers.

Another person whom Al Gore has emulated is Jack Welch. His bitter divorce feud which took place immediately after his retirement from GE showed him poor light as a "Super CEO". Some of the retirement goodies like tickets to Broadway shows after retirement paid for by GE would not have ocme to light but for Jack's refusal to share such booties with his estranged wife who demanded a part of the "retirement" benefits.Once again this divorce was when Welch couple were well into their 60s. May be a few Broadway shows can diminish the boredom of old age, but what about spending time all alone rest of the time ?

Do these things happen because people like Al Gore and Jack Welch want to be in public eye well past their usefulness have expired ?

For a guy like me , it all sounds foolish. There is tremendous strength and value in family unit remaining united as one.

Human mind and behaviour is quixotic and unfathomable !


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