Interesting Guests

 Interesting guests

A family friend, a doctor moved to Gold Coast, Australia years ago with her daughter. Her daughter got married last year and the doctor married a pundit next day.

Pundit is a Fijian of Indian origin who went to Australia at 19 and became a Australian citizen in due course.

Pundit solemnises marriages, conducts Janay function etc in the morning and works as driver (on contract) with the govt bus service in Gold Coast. He has opted for afternoon to evening shifts for balancing his dual profession.

The couple visited us in February. The doctor belongs to Agra. Being first visit of the married couple to India ( first ever Indian visit for the pundit ), they were fed well daily and  taken to several  temples. The pundit put his foot down in temple visits. Reason ? Pundit said serving God was his profession. Since he was in on vacation from his profession, he would like to be away from God !

We had made masala dosas for the guest. Pundit rolled it , and held it like a flute in his mouth and chewed at its end. 

It was a interesting evening with the couple.


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