Calendar and flood of memories

Can a calendar cause a flood of memories ? Yes, it can.

Some days ago on a Whatsapp forum,  a friend discussed the difficulty in retaining mother tongue skills in the next generation.

Since attendance at home is “poor” today, I switched on the Asianet  for noise effect and heard the advertisement for Mathrubhumi calendar. It brought up a lump in my throat. The first “brand “ I can recall is “Mathrubhumi” written in a distinct cursive style. This newspaper was very popular in my home district Trichur. Though I learnt to read English much later I can recall Rexona soap, Pond’s powder, Ferrodal tonic, Sybol all purpose cream, Vicks and Sunlight soap.

Mathrubhumi calendar was a permanent fixture in all households. All the twenty seven stars and fourteen thithis were listed in it. It had dates as per Saka era, Islamic and Malayalam years as well. We have  never used a Tamil calendar.

Outside Kerala, this calendar in a house is a telltale sign that the occupant has a Kerala route even if he or she speaks faultless Tamil.In a number of homes, Mathrubhumi calendar was the sole calendar.

I used to buy it until two years after my mom’s demise. Then I stopped  as my family members can not read Malayalam and some relative or other would call up and inform festival dates.

Calendar is a forward looking document. But today Mathrubhumi calendar made me look back. I was suddenly flooded with memory of grand parents , parents and those around us who moved on. I wonder why.

Some of you would have followed some calendar life long.



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