
Newspaper reading is a habit which dies hard.

There is a brand loyalty too. Having moved to all metros and to smaller cities over the last two decades and a half, I am in position to tell a thing or two on this topic.

Nearly two and half decades back, during the two years of post graduate study at Ahemdabad, the quality of English papers were pathetic there. Mumbai has only one dominant newspaper and what it puts out is gospel.

Kolkata had three English newspapers but again average in quality. In Kanpur, we used wait till the afternoon for Delhi edition newspapers and it was worht the wait. Patna was again pretty low on quality of English newspapers.

Bangalore, Hyderababd, Chennai and Delhi have variety of newspapers and good content too. Delhi has to widest range of English newspapers.

Once again I am at a medium sized city - Jaipur. The local English newspapers are poor in content. So once again I wait for Delhi editions which are fuller.

Over the period of time , the reach of English newspapers have increased across medium and small towns. Another thing noticeable is that the newspapers are being distributed early in the morning.

The commercialisation of various aspects of life is reflected in newspaper content. The advertiseent component has gone up in newspapers and there are a lot of pull out ads other insdie the newspapers which have been inserted by the vendors at the restacking stage prior to home delivery.

I feel despite the availabilty of news on net, the newspaper circulation seem to have gone up.


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