Climate change

Climate change is a pet topic these days.

There is a clamour for action on carbon emmission effect from all over the world but USA has been a naysayer on this front. Statistical evidence of carbon emmission is spun the other way around and trashed by scientists / officialdom in USA. USA is not prepared to bear any investment on this front as there is a feeling that this would amke American industry uncompetitive.

There is also a move to make the developing countries carry the can stating that they are as much responsible for pollution as developed countries and with burgeoning population, developing countries would pile on more and more misery on carbon emmission front.

As usual green technology is available with developed countries and there are efforts to create a market for these technologies by pampering third world economies. All these sound sinister but then that is the way world functions. Developing countries are forced to listen to developed world on this topic as it is the developed nations who control the wolrd economy.

Changing and unpredictable weather patterns seem to be the most evident effect of global warming. This affects agriculture as the rains have to fall at the right period. The heavy rains which lashed parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and caused immense damage to crops and property were ferocious and destructive. It rained 70 cm in a matter of six days in a town in Andhra Pradesh which is 200 % more than the rain for entire year in that town !

Glaciers are receding at rapid pace in Himalayas which has the third largest coverage of glaciers after South Pole and North Pole. These glaciers feed several rivers like Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra which are life lines of the economy of the ares they are flowing through in India and Pakistan. As they dwindle in size, the water fed by these glaciers will dimish and there could be dare consequences by the end of this century.

One hope that better sense prevails and the nations of the world stand united as on in action against carbon emmission. We have a duty to provide a sustainable environment for the progeny.


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