Water melon

How to select a good water melon?

Something I have learnt in the last four weeks.

Hold the watermelon in one palm and knock with middle finger of the other arm around its midriff. If a hollow "dongu, dongu"sound emanates ( it is not musical. Hence I mastered it ), the water melon is a good one.

Even if what I said does not make sense to you, do not worry. Take two or three water melons more from here and there in the heap and repeat "finger knocking" with a straight face and keep them back with a "chi, chi" expression on your face. The shop keeper will step in and select a good piece for you. Do not forget to say "Please fetch more good melons. Most customers can not make out a good one from an average one. You might lose business for no fault of yours."

Next time you go, the shopkeeper will straight away give you a good melon and dispose you off lest other customers eves drop on your pearls of wisdom and spoil the vendor's business


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