My kitchen skill set, thanks to corona

My kitchen skills - Corona impact
In the sink
I have mastered all aspects of kitchen sink activity starting with where to use ScotchBrite pad and where to use steel joona. Of course, non stick vessels have a softer pad. I can make the most tenaciously adherent left overs crumble and vanish in no time.
My powerful arms ensure black and blackened vessels leave the sink shining.

In the stacking rack:
I know the space allotted for various vessels and cooking aids. I have mastered efficient use of space by stacking the right set of vessels within one another (like family of Russian nesting dolls ). "Square pegs in round hole" situation on racks is a thing of the past.
I am sure the Japanese of "5 S system of shop floor management" started in the kitchen when a Toyota shop floor manager was asked by his wife to do kitchen chores.

On the stove:
I have mastered " the burning points" of all dals, rajma, lobia, kala chana and kabuli chana. In the process, have learnt how to cook tasty dal preparations. I can roast raw peanuts to perfection.
Cooking vegetables - skill varies. Some I can do independently, some need occasional voice over and the rest need "over the shoulder " supervision.

At the cutting board:
Onion cutting leaves me with a genuine smile -not kushi ke aansu of relief. Learnt to skin raw potato, bottle gourd , ripe mangoes and cucumber efficiently. Scraping carrot, bottle gourd and vegetables of similar texture has been my forte from the start of this millenium. I have mastered skinning and cutting various types of water melon to pieces without "leakage".
Have introduced some standardisation on cutting table. Whether it be onions, potatoes, capsicum, tomatoes or raw bananas, I can cut them to micro, mini, medium and large pieces. Some dishes need both onions and potatoes in mini pieces while some other dish calls for onion in medium size, garlic in mini size and tomatoes in large size.

My weak area in kitchen :
Speed of cutting is an area of concern. I have hit a plateau. If I have to break free and zoom from this plateau, I will need a Band-Aid line in the kitchen !


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