Staying abroad / Being abroad

A lot of youngsters go to USA ( mostly ), UK, Australia and other developed countries for higher studies and stay back in pursuit of their life time ambitions. More often than not, we keep hearing how the freedom , encouragement and professional atmosphere ( the meanings of professional atmosphere, professional organisation and professionalism have not been clear to me. The only thing I have understood so far is that if a male says he is professional, it surely means that he does not sport a moustache ! ) have made them champions contributing their might to development of society in terms of application of their knowledge and such contributions helping them to earn handsomely as well. They bemoan that if they had remained in India they would have achieved nothing because of lack of encouragement and professionalism. I have come across and heard gushing accounts about how quickly things move abroad and how decisions are taken at snap of fingers. The unquestionable freedom to operate on one's own and take decisions have been hailed as major reasons for success of our brethren abroad. There is very little sleaze needed for getting things done in government departments there and more often than truth prevails quickly in developed world despite Gandhiji being born in India.

A lot of us could not make it to those heavenly countries due to lack ambition, sloppiness and sheer misplaced sense of patriotism ( claimed as a lame excuse after all attempts at going abroad came to a nought ). We can also be happy with the fact that things could have been worse if one was forced to earn one's daily bread in austere and severe countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

This freedom enjoyed in western countries have a severe effect on those achievers in transit. The most prominent one who suffered in transition process is Shashi Tharoor. Though Shashi knew that he has come down to earth from super efficient New York ( where one would find pieces of animals in cooked form on the dining table and not roaming around the roads and public places in live form ) when he spotted cows and buffaloes on the Indian roads ( hence his less than affectionate reference to "cattle class " and "holy cows" on that fabled instant message service and champion of total freedom "tweeter" ), he just could not apply the brakes fast enough and tweet slow enough. As result he got jettisoned out of the window.

The other way round, Jairam Ramesh found a lot of freedom for his tongue abroad ( at China, of all places in the world ) and let go a volley of comments slanted against Indian Home Ministry forgetting the collective responsibility of Members of cabinet ( I would have recommended him for the highest bravery award in our country if this tirade was directed against Chinese Home Ministry !). Dhoni also found the holiday atmosphere and freedom in West Indies too overpowering and uttered profanities against the Indian Cricket's holy cow IPL and the late night IPL parties. I am sure he would not have dared to utter these comments in India after pocketing vulgar amounts in IPL contract.

The remedy for those in transit would be large photos of cows and bullock carts to be hung in the vicinity where ever they are so that they would think and act slowly as we always do in our country.


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