Some odd titles

Jaipur is full of Hanuman temples. The stand alone Hanuman temples are a feature of North India.The first time I came across a large stand alone Hanuman temple was on my trip to Mumbai way back in 1983.

The Hanuman temples at Jaipur have different names - Dhakshina Mukhi Hanuman, Paschima Mukhi Hanuman, Sidheswar Hanuman.... The various names seem to have been derived from whom Hanuman had collaborated with different points of time. At Chitrakoot , one of the revered spots for pilgrims is on a hill top called Hanumandhara where locals believe that Sita once served lunch to Hanuman. The most astounding name of Hanuman temple is Petrol pumpwala Veer Hanuman. I came across this temple out of curiosity when I found a lot of devout looking people in appropriate dresses milling around a petrol bunk. I also noticed a lot of vendors selling sweets which were generally offered to dieties in temples here. The small Hanuman mandir is within the petrol bunk adjoining the Cafe coffee day shop and bears the proud title "petrol pumpwala Veer Hanuman!". One is known by the company one keeps ! Imagine what would have happened if Hanuman had doused his tail with petrol before Ravana set fire to his tail- there was no red Adair those days to tackle fires caused by petroleum products.

There is new nomenclature on the job front too. I came across an opening for "HR generalist Manager". What can be more general tha HR function itself ? I have heard of CTO- Chief Technical officer for an entire organisation. Now there is an openign for "CTO- Presales". I presume this organisation would have CTO-sales and CTO- post sales as well , all reporting to GCTO- General Chief Technology Officer. Another interesting position is Transformation Manager. There are openings for all sorts of analysts. There are companies with several Managing Directors reminding one of Ravana's ten heads. Ravana's heads were interconnected and from what I have seen in movies only one head used to talk at a time. But ten MDs with ten seperate heads would be a different kettle of fish altogether.


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