Government housing- trial and tribulation
We had bought a second hand small house for my mother from a housewife in government housing scheme in 1994. The house was bought on Power of attorney but we did not know the trouble we would have to undergo. The land owners who sold their land to housing board went to court asking fro higher compensation. Hence the housing board could not complete the documnetaion formality for this hosuing scheme until the court settled this issue in 2002. After that, there were several changes in the scheme which was done by the government to increase its income from this housing scheme. Power of attorney was eclared null and void throwing our sanction into a tizzy. I made several attempts to regularise this transaction over several trips to Kochi over the years but at each step , the combination of the systems and staff in the office thwarted my attempts. The documentation went hayware with a number of negative comments against the transaction noted by the staff. We managed to find a buyer for the ...