The week of hirsute

Webster dictionary meaning for the word hirsute is “hairy”.

I would call the week that went by “The week of hirsute”.

There was this man with long beard and long shaggy hair who has made a name for himself by yoga instruction. He talks at breathless speed mixing up all medical terms for various illnesses and how various yoga asanas and pranayams could cure every ailment under the sun. He refers to most of the medical terms in English but wants everything to be taught in local language – a nationalist to the core in the linguistic front.

He was a nobody two decades ago. He joined hands with Balkishan and the pair did not look back. Now between them , they manage a lot of wealth. They remind me of the Hindi movie “Bundy aur Bubbly”.

He decided to fight black money and wants high denomination notes to be demonetized ( now that he has had his fill ! ). All those who follow his yoga instructions look upto him as spiritual guru and his saffron attire enhances the appeal. So we had this person hogging the limelight for a few days.

There seemed to be a tacit understanding between this yoga swami and the powers that be. But the people who shared the stage with the yoga guru had a colourful ( of not an attractive shade to those in power ) past. As a result, police sent the yoga guru packing. As if this tamasha was not enough, there were a lot of images shown with the yoga guru in a ladies salwar kamis. It seems he escaped the wrath of the police by wearing this fancy dress. I still wonder how he covered his long unruly beard wearing salwar kamis.

It was great relief for our eyes once the yoga swami was sent packing. The sweaty babbling shaggy image of the yoga swami staring at one from all news channels was too much to take. It was nauseating.

Now the image of a popular artist , a hirsute with lush grey hair, has taken the centre. This renowned artist passed away in London at a ripe age of 95. He also had his share of controversies. A lot of people from the world of art, cinema, drama and social cause held forth on his behalf eulogizing his contribution. He went away from the country hounded out by supporters of some “social” organization. All the shots shown on various channels seem to have been shot in salubrious surroundings. Hence it is not a sticky and sweaty image one gets to see.

I am disappointed with the yoga swami in his area of specialization. I expected him to be physically more resilient but his system seems to have packed up pretty early. His version of yoga seem to be suitable only for cooler climes and not the hot and dusty conditions prevailing in our national capital.

One hopes that “the week of hirsute” does not elongate and get into a tangle to become a “month of hirsute”.


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