Kanimozhi in jail- in lighter vein

Yesterday ( 20/05/2011 ) Kanimozhi and Sarat Kumar turned up at Patiala Court at 10 am only to be told by the judge that the judgement would be ready only in the afternoon and that they may be at the court after 1 pm. Both were a bit relieved with the (unfounded ) feeling that their bail pleas would be accepted.

But the bail plea was rejected and both were sent to the upcoming posh locality
in Delhi- Tihar Jail.

A bird tells me that judge had the judgement ready in the morning itself but was
trying to master the "zhi" part of Kanimozhi so that he could read out her name
properly and hence the delay !

This judge has informally sounded out perennial petitioners like Subramaniam
Swamy, Swamy Agnivesh and Prashant Bhushan that if they were planning petitions
against likes of Azhagiri and others with kuzha puzha Allapuzha sort of names (
Azhagappan, pynthamizhselvi, thenmozhi, kuzhandaivelu, ilam vazhuthi,
pazhaniappan...)they should do it quickly before he lost his mastery over
pronouncing "zha" and "zhi" !

Kanimozhi is being provided with a TV and newspapers in cell in Tihar Jail. Now
if duration of stay of A Raja is taken as benchmark, Kanimozhi would have to
spend a few months in Tihar Jail. So by the time she comes out, there is a
distict possibility that she would be humming either "meetti meetti bol" or
"aalthu faalthu"...when she is released !

Though both Malayalam and Tamil ( it is Tamizh ) have "zha" and "zhi", these
been confined to non living things like rivers, places, rain etc in Malayalam.
This could provide some relief to the judicial system !

An audition is going on for a sequel for the film "Tees maar khan"- the
proposed movie has the title " Strauss maar Kahn" !


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