Process ! Process !! Process !!!

Process ! Process !! Process !!!

This is the new credo in every office.

It makes it look as though everybody was working ( since Indian Independence ) without a process and got to where we are today without a care for systematic work.

Frankly the way people and organisations go about their work today and the results achieved do not indicate any marked change in terms of quality of output and quantum of output. Orders continue to be difficult to track, outstanding difficult to obtain and deliveries happen haphazardly. But the English has changed.

Process has become a good smokescreen to hide behind. If somebody asks why his or her salary is delayed, the response is that process is being followed and not an apology for the delay in paying the salary. When somebody questions the delay in execution of some work in office, pat comes the reply that the employees are sticking to a process. To me , it appears as though the meaning of the word "process" these days is "no".

Process has to be an enabler to getting things done with efficiency and not stand in the way of work being carried out as is the current practice. Or is it that the organisations in their anxiety to produce a "Wren and Martin" size book of processes to impress all and sundry, forget to employ simple and straight forward methods of working.

As for me, I scratch my head ( figuratively ) when the meetings lapse into discussions of processes. Processes have to be as close to the natural way people work and not artificial and round about which is what causes the delay, lack of clarity and confusion.

I would replace the credo of "process" by "action".

So it has to be "Action ! Action !! Action !!!"


  1. Good Thoughts. Many a times it is expected that Processes will do the work of people , which seldom happens. This is where all the trouble begins.


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