Protocols and Processes

Systematic and step by step way of doing things, especially those tasks which are repetitive,is good for organisations and even for our families. But there is a limit to this method. One thing I have noticed is the too much of process- protocol orientation prevents common sense approach to tricky situations tying us in knots whenever such situations arise.

A killer whale killed its trainer at the end of the show by an entertainment company Sea World in February 2010 at Orlando, USA with thousands of horrified spectators watching on helplessly. The trainer had reached out to pat the killer whale for its excellent performance when the show ended and the killer whale pulled dragged the woman trainer by her pony tail and drowned her to death. The incident was investigated by experts who felt that the killer whale wanted to socialise with the trainer and hence it dragged her into the water.

Sea World said it was tweaking / tightening its protocols and procedures to prevent recurrence of such incidents.

I was amused to read this. Who is going to Tell the killer whale that human being can not breath and survive under water like it ? If the killer whale had known it, it would not have dragged its trainer under water by her pony tail. Secondly, who is going teach the killer whales the protocols and processes ?

Coming to think of it, making employees understand the processes and protocols itself is a daunting task.


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